3 Lakeline Road, Golden Beach
Victoria 3851

0402 033 382

Golden Beach is an easy drive from Melbourne (2hr 45min from city centre)... mostly dual highway.
It's 57 minutes from Traralgon & 26min from Sale.
Below are various maps that show you the directions from Melbourne, and when you hit Golden Beach, the directions to get to the cabins. Also some popular spots in Golden Beach.
Download a PDF map of the Wellington Region HERE
If coming by train.... You can get a Vline train from Melbourne to Sale.
By Bus.... Littles Gipplsand Coaches operates a bus service from Sale to Loch Sport, via Golden Beach.
More information and timetables available HERE
The confusing thing is that some maps & GPS have different names for the local streets.
For example, Lakeline Road is often called Fairway Ave. Shoreline Drive is called Seaspray-Letts Beach Road. And Longford-Golden Beach Road is called Surf Edge Drive!
Keep this is mind when you are looking at maps/GPS.
The best way to find the cabins is to come through the main street (Longford-Golden Beach Road) and head towards the beach.
At the end of the street is a roundabout; turn left along Shoreline Drive.
Look out for a sign on the left that says "Welcome to Paradise Beach", and a blue street sign that says "Golden Beach Holiday Cabins".
There is an empty block of land on the corner.
Turn left (Lakeline Road) and the cabins are the first premises.
The front cabin is Cabin 1. And the rear cabin is Cabin 2.

This map shows you the directions as you drive into Golden Beach. (note: Olivers Kitchen, Bluewater Fish & chips & Foodrama are no longer in Golden Beach. Instead there is Wilco's Cafe & Golden Beach General Store!!)

From Melbourne central to Golden Beach.....
2 hour 45 minutes along main highways.